Monday, May 25, 2009


stealth capture: lately i've been having problems differentiating between hipsters and homeless. it's become a game i play on the subway. i'm leaning toward the latter on this one. 5.7.2009 7:12 pm


stealth capture: i wish this one weren't blurry either, but maybe it's better that way. yupster lady with a death grip on her tiny dog. headed toward my loser doom. 5.7.2009 7:11 pm


stealth capture: watching an impromptu street concert at n.6th and bedford. on my way to be stood up. 5.7.2009 7:11 pm


stealth capture: rainy morning on my way to school. i'd never seen anyone change a lightbulb in a traffic light before. it made me inexplicably happy. 5.5.2009 10:46 am


stealth capture: huntington historical society sheep to shawl festival. little girl petting a widdle lamb. 5.3.2009 3:23 pm


stealth capture: i want to marry that dude. your guess which one. 5.2.2009 10:26 pm


stealth capture: conversation and a ferris wheel. don't stop believing. 5.2.2009 8:12 pm


stealth capture: i used that guy's head to make a sun star. i'm a user. 5.2.2009 7:06 pm


stealth capture: an ear and some business about fangs. 5.2.2009 7:01 pm


stealth capture: yeah, okay, i just love this one too. boyslikegirls. 5.2.2009 5:47 pm


stealth capture: this is actually cheating. i mean technically no one in the photo knew it was being taken, but it wasn't a secret that i was taking it, either. I just really like it, so back off. 5.2.2009 3:10 pm


stealth capture: it's like the red sea of humans parted and this miraculous dude was just there. patent pending. 5.2.2009 3:07 pm


stealth capture: energy drink holding area. did they know? i feel like they knew. 5.2.2009 2:24 pm


stealth capture: we the kings, maybe. i think the girl on the right was catching on. i want to marry the dude in the faux-bans. 5.2.2009 2:13 pm


stealth capture: this is my latest album cover. my newest fake band is called "Little Brother". 5.2.2009 1:32 pm


stealth capture: nick jonas, is that you? 5.2.2009 1:27 pm


stealth capture: i wish to some undisclosed power this weren't blurry. this was my first creepy stealth photo. i think you can all see why. 5.2.2009 12:55 pm

six days

that's how long i kept this going before abandoning it. remarkable. this is the part where i scramble desperately to make up for my neglect, probably get frustrated and give up entirely. brava.

Friday, May 8, 2009

for your comfort

i went shooting yesterday so there isn't that much more bamboozle to endure. let's face it: i just like having an excuse to relive it.

i had just put my camera away in union square when a man with a perfect Hitler moustache stopped right in front of me to throw something away. it would have been too obvious to scramble and get my camera back out, so i just want to make it known how heartbroken i was in the face of such a glorious missed opportunity.


stealth capture: so intimate. these dudes like boyslikegirls. 5.2.2009 6:00 pm

Thursday, May 7, 2009


stealth capture: a break from the dudes. ferris wheel from down below. 5.2.2009 12:56 pm


stealth capture: the main drag. his hairstyle matches his tee shirt. so unruly. 5.2.2009 12:56 pm

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


stealth capture: energy drink holding cell. are they twins? excuse me, are you twins? 5.2.2009 2:16 pm

Monday, May 4, 2009


stealth capture: amazing Patent Pending set, completely accidental, trying to shoot the dude on the extreme right in the hat and v-neck. didn't even know this kid was there; he is stealthier than i am. 5.2.2009 3:06 pm

Sunday, May 3, 2009


stealth capture: exiting the energy drink tent, 5.2.2009 2:27 pm

creeping you out in 6.0 megapixels

so i guess this is like a regular photo blog, except i took all the pictures backwards over my shoulder or from below or pretending i was just holding my camera close to my heart, usually without the subjects knowing it and usually because they were attractive and i wanted to commemorate that.

one a day, baby, starting with the Bamboozle edition. best first.

i have to ration.